Jurnal SIGMA 2024-03-16T05:26:49+00:00 Wahyu Hadikristanto, M.Kom Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Ilmiah SIGMA: Information Technology Journal of UPB </strong>merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Pelita Bangsa (UPB) Cikarang <strong>dengan no p-ISSN 2407-3903 (Media Cetak). Jurnal Ilmiah SIGMA: Information Technology Journal of UPB </strong>adalah sebagai salah satu wadah publikasi bagi dosen-dosen yang memiliki penelitian ilmiah di bidang Teknik Informatika,&nbsp; Ilmu Komputer, Sistim Informasi, Artificial Inteligent, Data Mining, Image Processing, Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak.<br>Setiap artikel yang diterbitkan oleh Jurnal Ilmiah <strong>SIGMA</strong>: Information Technology Journal of UPB telah melalui proses review dan editorial yang ketat serta menghormati ketentuan hukum hak cipta, privasi, dan etika publikasi ilmiah. Jurnal Ilmiah SIGMA : Information Technology Journal of UPB terbit dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu bulan <strong>Maret, Juni, September</strong>&nbsp;dan <strong>Desember</strong>.</p> Rancang Bangun Sistem Deteksi Masker Kesehatan Pada Wajah Manusia Dengan Opencv Berbasiskan Android Pada STMIK Mercusuar 2023-09-05T11:54:06+00:00 Soderi Juwari sarwo <p><em>The research that the author conducted was driven by the increasingly widespread and widespread Covid -19 in Indonesia in 2020, and this affected almost all sectors, from health, education to the economic sector. From the health sector, the Government has actually issued regulations requiring all people to wear masks, but there are still people who do not use masks when doing activities outside the home, especially students. The purpose of this research is to help the STMIK Lighthouse campus to detect students in terms of discipline using face mask. The methodology that the author uses to prove that many students do not wear masks outside, namely by interviewing. And also the programming language that the author uses to design this application is python along with the measurement software using Precision and Recall. The expected result of this research is the creation of an application that can detect whether someone has used a mask or not.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Deteksi Masker, python, covid, aplikasi, Precision and Recall</em></p> 2024-02-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Penerapan Data Mining Untuk Prediksi Pola Pembelian Pelanggan Menggunakan Algoritma Apriori (Studi Kasus: Toko Jihan) 2023-09-05T14:47:45+00:00 Ratna Arista Agung Nugroho Nanang Tedi Kurniadi <p><em>Determining the combination of items and the layout of goods based on consumer purchasing trends is one solution for Toko Jihan in developing marketing strategies so as to increase sales at the store. The algorithm that can be used to find any combination of items that are often purchased together at a time is the Apriori Algorithm, the apriori algorithm is a market basket analysis algorithm used to generate association rules, with an "if then" pattern. In the apriori algorithm, frequent itemset-1, frequent itemset-2, and frequent itemset-3 are determined to obtain association rules from previously selected data. To get the frequent itemset, each data that has been selected must meet the minimum support and minimum confidence requirements. In this study using different minimum support and minimum confidence comparisons based on existing transaction data using a minimum support of 20% and a minimum confidence of 80% resulted in four association rules. One example is if the consumer buys cooking oil, coffee then 87% (certainty of consumers in buying items) will buy eggs.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: </em><em>Association Rule Mining, Apriori Algorithm, Support, Confidence.</em></p> 2024-02-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sistem Informasi Inventory Pemesanan Material Pada PT. Chandra Nugerah Cipta Berbasis Website 2023-09-05T14:52:24+00:00 Muhtajuddin Danny Asep Muhidin Chairul Fikri <p><em>PT Chandra Nugerah Cipta is a company engaged in the Component and Automotive Industry, in carrying out its production activities, PT Chandra Nugerah Cipta often orders materials from its vendors or suppliers. the system that manages material ordering stock monitoring data is still in the form of calculations using the Microsoft Exel application and then sent via e-mail to vendors one by one, this makes the material ordering process at PT Chandra nugerah Cipta not optimal and becomes ineffective and efficient in the process. The purpose of this research is to create a computerized system using Web Server-based technology, so that it can be used by companies to monitor material orders from vendors in real time, so that companies can easily find out information about material orders being made. The author designs and makes this application using PHP and MySql database, and the design uses UML design. The research was conducted using the waterfall method and analyzed to what extent with this application, the material ordering process became more effective and efficient.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em><strong><em>Keywords: Ordering, Website, UML, Waterfall</em></strong></p> 2024-02-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sistem Informasi Yayasan Nusantara Terdidik Berbasis Website 2023-09-05T15:00:42+00:00 M. Aufi Rahman Muhtajuddin Danny Agung Nugroho <p><em>The activities carried out by the Nusantara Terdidik Foundation are still fairly conventional. The absence of a website that can contain information on every activity, activity results, latest news and fundraising, still makes it difficult for people to want to know more about the activities and activities of the Nusantara Terdidik Foundation which is engaged in education or cares about remote education. With the creation of this website-based information system, it is hoped that it can help the Educated Nusantara Foundation to be more easily accessible or seen by the wider community</em>.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Information, Website, Foundation, Education</em></strong></p> 2024-02-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sistem Pengembangan Chatbot Whtasapp Untuk Monitoring Hasil Pembelajaran Siswa Di SMK Negeri 3 Kuningan Menggunakan Metode Waterfall 2023-09-05T15:05:39+00:00 Zihan Zaenal Abidin Asep Muhidin Muhtajuddin Danny <p><em>Service is an activity or sequence that occurs in direct interaction between individuals and others or machines physically, providing customer satisfaction. In the service or information access at SMK Negeri 3 Kuningan, conventional methods are still used, requiring time to access them. For example, when students need to inquire about grades in specific subjects, they have to meet the respective teachers. Therefore, to address this issue, a chatbot solution is developed as a platform to facilitate information retrieval. The development of this chatbot utilizes the waterfall method, which involves several stages including needs analysis, system design, program coding, system testing, and maintenance. The testing in this research adopts the black box testing method. This study results in a chatbot for monitoring student learning at SMK Negeri 3 Kuningan, which assists students in accessing the required information.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Service, Chatbot, Waterfall, Black Box Testing, Monitoring</em></strong></p> 2024-02-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Analisis Perbandingan Kualitas Dan Kecepatan Transfer Data Pada Penggunaan Smartphone 2023-11-10T08:34:19+00:00 Sara Natasa Ummul Khair Nur Wulan <p><em>Along with the rapid development of technology makes the process of sending communication data faster. Data transfer or data communication is the exchange of data between two or more devices through a transmission medium such as cable or wireless. Data communication can also be defined as a process of sending and receiving data electronically from two or more devices connected to a network via a medium. This study aims to be able to compare the smartphones tested in testing the quality and speed of data transfer so as to produce comparative data between the four smartphones using the Telkomsel 4G LTE provider and each smartphone tested has a different storage space, different CPU and GPU. Different too. So that this test gets results where one of the smartphone tested has a very goog quality file received.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords</em>: smartphone, 4G LTE, transfer data, Nperf, OneDrive dan kecepatan</p> 2024-02-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Klasifikasi Rating Sekolah Menengah Atas Berdasarkan Jumlah Siswa Sekolah Di Provinsi DKI Jakarta Menggunakan Metode Algoritma Naive Bayes 2024-02-22T00:39:13+00:00 Antika Zahrotul Kamalia Hemdani Rahendra Herlianto Zaenur Rozikin Andriani <p><em>Education has a crucial role in the development of a nation, and evaluating the quality of education is very important. One of the main indicators in assessing the quality of an educational institution is the school rating. In DKI Jakarta Province, a number of high schools provide a variety of student numbers and quality of education. This research aims to classify the ranking of senior high schools in DKI Jakarta Province based on the number of school students using the Naive Bayes algorithm method. This research method collects data on the number of school students and school ratings from various trusted sources. Then, the data is processed and analyzed using the Naive Bayes algorithm to classify school ratings based on the number of students. The analysis results show that the Naive Bayes algorithm can provide classification school ratings with a satisfactory level of accuracy.</em></p> 2024-02-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal SIGMA Penerapan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerima Beasiswa Di SMKN 1 Cikarang Utara Dengan Metode Analitycal Hierarchy Process 2024-02-29T14:38:48+00:00 Candra Naya Edy Widodo Sanudin Mumin Sadikin <p><em>Proses seleksi dalam menentukan penerima beasiswa masih mengalami kendala. Di lapangan masih ditemukan kurang tepatnya penyaluran beasiswa yang diakibatkan oleh sistem yang masih konvensional atau manual. Selain itu pendukung keputusan tidak dapat melihat kriteria-kriteria dalam beasiswa secara bersama-sama. Dalam ilmu komputer terdapat suatu sistem yang dapat membantu pendukung keputusan untuk mengatasi masalah yang sifatnya semi struktur ataupun tidak terstruktur yaitu sistem pendukung keputusan. Dalam Sistem Pendukung Keputusan terdapat berbagai metode salah satunya yaitu metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) yang ditemukan oleh Thomas L.Saaty. AHP sendiri dapat membantu dalam menentukan prioritas dari beberapa kriteria dengan melakukan analisa perbandingan berpasangan dari masing-masing kriteria yang sudah ditemukan. Dengan melihat masalah yang ada dalam pendukung keputusan dalam pemilihan penerima beasiswa, sistem pendukung keputusan dengan menggunakan metode AHP dirasa tepat untuk digunakan dalam membantu pendukung keputusan untuk menentukan penerima beasiswa. Diharapkan hasil dalam penelitian ini dapat membantu pendukung keputusan dalam menentukan penerima beasiswa.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata Kunci: Ilmu Komputer, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, Metode AHP</em></strong></p> 2023-09-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Implementasi Steganografi Menggunakan Metode Least Significant Bit (LSB) Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus : PT Bank Tabungan Negara) 2024-03-16T05:26:49+00:00 Ahmad Turmudi Zy Isarianto Arif Susilo Alif Mustafanah <p>Dalam sebuah perusahaan pasti terdapat sebuat interaksi pertukaran informasi baik pesan, data ataupun gambar untuk pertukaran tersebut di butuhkan sebuah aplikasi yang dapat mengirim dan menerima sebuah informasi, tak jarang sebuah perusahaan menggunakan social media sebagai alat pertukaran informasi. Dalam pertukaran informasi yang berkaitan dengan rahasia perusahaan di butuhkan keamanan yang sangat extra mengingat banyak sekali peretasan terhadap social media. Oleh karena itu untuk menyiasatinya kita membutuhkan kemanan tambahan yang dapat menyembunyikan pesan tersebut tanpa di ketahui oleh orang lain. dari permasalahan peretasan diatas penulis berusaha mencari keamanan tambahan untuk pertukaran pesan antara karyawan perusahaan yang aman dan tidak diketahui orang lain, kemudian penulis menemukan Steganografi yaitu teknik menyembunyikan pesan kedalam gambar jadi selain si pengirim dan si penerima tidak akan tahu bahwa gambar tersebut berisi pesan. Untuk metodenya penulis mengambil Leas Significant Bit karena dalam penerapannya wadah untuk mengisi pesan lebih banyak.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: Steganografi, Secret Massage with Image, Image, Steganografi LSB.</p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024