Rancang Bangun Sistem Deteksi Masker Kesehatan Pada Wajah Manusia Dengan Opencv Berbasiskan Android Pada STMIK Mercusuar


  • Soderi STMIK Mercusuar
  • Juwari STMIK Mercusuar
  • sarwo PJJ Computer Science Bina Nusantara


The research that the author conducted was driven by the increasingly widespread and widespread Covid -19 in Indonesia in 2020, and this affected almost all sectors, from health, education to the economic sector. From the health sector, the Government has actually issued regulations requiring all people to wear masks, but there are still people who do not use masks when doing activities outside the home, especially students. The purpose of this research is to help the STMIK Lighthouse campus to detect students in terms of discipline using face mask. The methodology that the author uses to prove that many students do not wear masks outside, namely by interviewing. And also the programming language that the author uses to design this application is python along with the measurement software using Precision and Recall. The expected result of this research is the creation of an application that can detect whether someone has used a mask or not.

Keywords: Deteksi Masker, python, covid, aplikasi, Precision and Recall


